Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Comment on Bush League Justice and Mayberry Machiavellis

Bush renominated Steven G. Bradbury as assistant attorney general, against the wishes of the Democrats in Congress.
Bradbury is the author of a controversial memo authorizing harsh interrogations for suspected terrorists.
His claim to fame is writing memos saying we should be able to subject terror suspects to freezing temperatures, waterboarding, and other "inhanced interrorgation" methods. And Bush thinks this is the best guy for the Assistant Attorney General spot.
This is an insult. That the President would think that he can just nominate whatever knee-jerk neo-Marque de Sade he wishes for the role of Assistant Attorney General is beyond ludicris. That he would attempt to put another of his lackeys into the office of the assitant attorney general speaks vollumes of his hubris. The Attorney General's office is supposed to be that of the High Priest of our legal system, it is the A.G.'s duty to make sure the laws are upheld. Instead, from President Bush, we have recieved the inept Ashcroft, the willfully senile and potentially criminal Gonzales, and the lack-luster Mukasey. The Michael Mukasey that refused to define what torture was, and who is now refusing a special prosecuter into the missing CIA tapes. But it isn't enough that he has given us these men, the Three Stooges of Justice. It isn't enough that he has given us countless other "loyal Bushies," men and women completely unqualified for their respective jobs. It isn't enough that the legacy of the Bush Era Justice Department is now and forever will be the fireing of district attorneys based on political believes, the side stepping of our Bill of Rights, and the legality of the barbaric practice of drowning suspects to the brink of death.
No. These measures are not enough for the Mr. Magoo of 1600 Pensylvania Avenue, for the trageo-comic figure that is the unqualified fear monger that we call "commander in chief." He must apoint one last Bushie. One last Mayberry Machiavelli for whom things like justice shall always come second place in a race with things like greed, for whom loyalty to the Party is less important than loyalty to the People who's justice he is supposed to seek. One last political apointee for whom truth is a four letter word, torture is merely another tactic, and liberties are optionable.
If the Democrats allow this one to slip threw, then that will be the last straw, that will prove to myself and to my fellow Americans that they are no force of resistance in the face of the behemoth that is Bush/Cheney. To their credit, they have been meeting during their break so that Bush cannot get the recess apointment he yearns for.
And that's a start. Unfortunately, it's only one of many steps we need to take if we wish to undue the travesty that is Bush League justice.
and to our elected officials in Washington, as well as to you, Dear Reader, I give this very sincere salutation.
Good night. And good luck.

from an undisclosed location in Southern New Jersey, this is J. W. Connelly, signing off.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

i'm very new to Blogspot, anyone know why my titles keep apearing in other languages

my previous post apeared in a language unfamiliar to me

Anyone know how to fix that?

Friday, January 4, 2008


I am a 16 year old from the East Coast who is very intested in politics

I can also be reached at

I usually post most info there, so you may want to check that regularly because i log into myspace more than blogspot

Thursday, January 3, 2008

वहत दिदं't थे प्रेसिडेंट क्नो, ऎंड व्हें दीद हे स्टॉप क्नोविंग आईटी?

Republican Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee asked the now famous question "what did the president know and when did he know it" during the Watergate hearings of the 1970's. Now we have a new president, also accused of spying on Americans and of putting politics before personal liberty and the good of this country, poised to be investigated. This time it is waterboard, not Watergate. This time it is missing video recordings, not missing tapes. This time it is accusations of selling out a CIA operative for political gain, not commiting an act of burgurlary for political gain. The simmilarities are astonding. President Bush claims to be a history buff, but has failed to learn the leasons of his own party's history. If you comit a crime, destroy the paper trail. And let us be thankful, once again, for shear luck and stupidity, for those may be the only things keeping the wheels of justice in motion. The questions beg to be asked. "Mr. Bush, did you know of these torture tapes? Mr. Bush, did you know of the plan to sell out Valerie Plame? Mr. Bush, if not, why, didn't you know of these events?"Thankfully, Washington has finally began seeing the light. An investigation has begun. again. the bells of reconcilliation against an unpopular demagouge are ringing. And to paraphraise Ernest Hemmingway:ask not for whom these bells toll, mr. bush. They toll for you.I return you to my original question: "what didn't the president know and when did he stop knowing it?" It has been said before, and it shall be said again. Mr. Bush's only defense at this point is to claim stupidity. He is either a) purposely attacking what makes this nation great or b) to stupid to know that someone, somewhere in his administration is manipulating him.My final question to you, Dear Reader, is a simple one:Which reality, A or B, is the more frightening?I have posted links here for those who wish to find more about the investigations: